Let's drive Hispanics to your site

Here's some simple steps you need to follow to drive Hispanics to your site.

1. Let's figure out where your Hispanic audience is online and offline.

2. Then, let's figure out what content they consume, and in what contexts are they online.

3. Next, let's define what technology they are using.  BTW, Mobile is huge with Hispanics!

4. Really huge!

5. Let's discuss audience our intelligence with your media team and launch our campaigns.

6. Let's get busy on Social Media and make sure we utilize our Keywords used in SEO/SEM.

7. Let's monitor your site for traffic, page activity, engagement and conversions.

8.  Let's figure out are the best performing keywords and optimize on site & Social Media.

9. Let's measure our success

10.  Align best performing keywords to website SEO, content, CTAs, content strategy and deploy across the ecosystem. 

11. Call Lalo Wakefield to help you drive traffic to YOUR site.